Our Services
Our offer is ideally articulated in three phases
Design and Implementation
One day with your team and you will know what is AI and what it is not ; what it does and what it doesn’t. We will ensure that we all speak the same language and that each word has the right definition. Artificial Intelligence is not the same thing that Machine learning, which is different from Deep Learning.
Design and Implementation
With the appropriate team and in coordination with your internal resources, we will design, program, test and implement your AI project.
Together we will explore all opportunities to implement Artificial intelligence in your environment. Taking into consideration the need for change management, we will define together a road map that will maximize success.

Statistical analysis
Predictive analytics
Predictive Modeling
Prescriptive Modeling
Artificial intelligence and machine learning
Automated Credit Scores
Compliance with Basel II and III accords
Sports Performance Analysis
Generative AI
What's really going on and why?
What will happen if this trend continues?
What will happen next?
What is the best-case scenario?
What actions can be taken to generate the best possible scenario?
How can a computer learn from its own experience and make decisions that will maximize the likelihood of achieving a given goal?
How can I optimize the necessary trade-off between maximizing business and minimizing risk?
How can banks' capital requirements be strengthened by increasing liquidity and decreasing bank leverage?
How can you improve athletes' performance by analyzing their past experiences?
How to leverage GPT and other generative AI tools
Passed projects and use cases